Start your military transition planning early

We help you create civilian career plans early so you have jobs lined up before you leave service.

Transitioning careers is difficult, stressful, and confusing

65% of US transitioning service members surveyed by said early transition preparation is extremely important. Additionally, 62% said that having a transition plan is extremely important. Unfortunately, only 30% had a job lined up before their transition. With VeteranGPT, we help you generate a personalized transition plan in under 10 minutes. Our mission is to help you start your transition planning early, get a running start to your transition assistance program, and have a job lined up ASAP.

How it works

Take career survey

Get transition plan

Apply when ready

Transferable skills identification

Personalized insights and guidance from your career survey answers. This feature helps you inventory over 100 transferable projects, skills, attitudes, and technologies, enhancing job searches, networking, and resume/CV drafting.

Targeted job search and application process

By quickly identifying job opportunities, you can streamline the job search process by tailoring your resume, networking, applying, and preparing for interviews.

Immediate confidence boost and upskilling

With personalized 24/7 resources, you'll boost your confidence in networking, marketing yourself to employers, and navigating the initial hiring process successfully.


“Great stuff! I like the way this system can provide tailored job recommendations after completion of a straightforward survey. This can provide a nice running start for veterans."
-US Army Officer

"I definitely think your military MOS/skills translator will help a lot of transitioning service members. The biggest challenge I experienced transitioning from the military to the civilian sector was accurately articulating my knowledge/skills/abilities on paper and finding the right organization that is team and mission-focused.”
-US Army NCO

"It nailed the head from what we talked about earlier. My top two suggestions were “Project Manager in the Apparel & Sporting Goods Industry” and “Operations Manager in Retail & Wholesale Trade” which is exactly what I told you I was interested in.”
-US Army NCO

Meet the Founder

Victor R. Morris is a former US Army Officer and experienced international defense consultant. He worked as a military training facilitator in over 20 European countries from 2013 to 2020. Victor is currently an entrepreneur working with Europe-based transitioning military members. His interests include talent management, machine learning, and writing children's books.Contact:

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© kitabu wazi, Inc. d/b/a VeteranGPT. All rights reserved.